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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

What Muslim man fear the most.

    Welcome and thank you for visiting my blog. On this blog I will talk about very little is the United States, but instead Muslim and the Islamic cult. People across the media and social network has been talking about one of the greatest fear that Muslim men and the Islamic cult have. Everywhere that you hear and read they see that Muslim hate the most is the United States and everything it stands for. In fact many people by now that they referred to the United States as "infidel". For the Muslim infidel means someone that do not support or are against the Islamic cult religion. It is also said that the Muslim hate the United States because they represent the great power and influence in the world. Also another reason they hate the United States is because of it strong belief Christian and Jewish religion, and also their support in Israel. But in reality the most in which Muslim man fear is not anything that I mentioned above.

  There's only one thing that they truly fear the most I have anything that you were here is the Muslim woman. You will probably very surprise to hear this, but it is true. So how is it that everything that I mentioned above in which it is talk about all over the media and in social network, and yet their greater fear is the Muslim woman?
 The great majority in the Islamic Koran and their sharia law all indicate and encourage to suppress the Muslim woman as much as possible. One of the many things that the Muslim men do to keep woman suppress is by keeping them uneducated and uninformed. Because for a Muslim woman to be educated and informed will be a Muslim woman that they cannot suppress or control. And this is necessary for once a woman become educated and informed she will then realize that there is nothing good that the Islamic cult religion will offer to the Muslim woman. But also once a Muslim woman become educated and informed she will have a voice in the world and then Islamic cult will collapse.

   So how is that in Muslim woman have such an influence? But of course it would not be completely because of one individual woman but instead it will be a group collective that would have is a major impact. One thing for sure it will stop the abuse and rape of all Muslim woman of every age group. For a Muslim man the only good value that a Muslim woman has is for the pleasure of sex and propagation. And here is where one of the major reason that a lot of people are talking about the the Muslim man in the Islamic cult or worry about. Because it was the Muslim woman become to have a voice and strength in their decision they will begin to separate themselves from the Islamic cult. And once this begin to happen there will be less generation that will be indoctrinated in the Islamic cult. Why do people think that they are billions of Muslim all over the world? Simply because the Islamic cult has focus on propagation.

  This is also one of the reason why a Muslim man shot Malala Yousafzi at her head trying to kill her. For she was asking to get her right to be free to be educated and informed. Now she represent not only children All over the world but Muslim woman all over the world to be educated and free from the Islamic cult.  Without knowing Malala may have just begun a domino effect for all Muslim woman not only to be educated but also the beginning of woman being free from the enslavement of the Islamic cult.

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