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Wednesday, September 24, 2014

You are not alone in America.

Hello everyone and welcome to my blog.

   The last couple of years I've been noticing in changes in the mentality the way people perceive the United States. And also the language in which people are using. I do not mean language in a sense, like Spanish, French or others. I mean the language like progressive, social justice, equality, fundamental in other words to mean something, but to be use in another way. It is kind of like a new slang, but with words we are familiar with. But are used to insinuate something else. Even though it seem to be complicated, but once you get familiarize you would notice the new language. And is definitely not a language that the American people are used to or a custom to. But the young generation are being exposed to this language and to the meaning behind it. I do not want to get into it at this moment for the reason I mention above, that it is very complicated. But some of you understand what I'm talking about.

 Also another change that is occurring in the American society thing is the removal of American exceptionable. Every time someone express their admiration and patriotism toward American lifestyle. Someone out there will find a way to comment and dig up some dirt that this country or someone has done in the past. Always stepping down on whoever tried to express themselves of their pride toward America or in individual. And it doesn't matter whether you are white or black, for I have seen also black people expressing their patriotism and being branded as a racist. And that is unbelievable. In another word if you are proud to be an American, you're very likely to be branded as a racist or any other negative attribute.
And for those of you who are not familiar with this. It is called "repetition propaganda". All you have to do is repeat it long enough and often enough and people will believe that it must be true. And is coming from all direction. From everyday people that you meet on the street or in your local resident or coworker, etc... You're bound to bump into one of them. Especially if you are in a conversation with someone else, talking about something wonderful about the great USA. It is very likely that they would invite themselves into the conversation and criticize something about America. Pointing something else bad that happen recently or a decade ago. But this is just not happening with people on the street, it is also happening all over the media, radio and social network.

 In who are the major promoter of anti-America? According to an expert that I saw in a interview, he stated that based on the research on media, radio and Internet. The majority of them expressing hatred toward American all seemed to be coming from Muslim or Islamic cult sources. He also has mentioned that the Muslim has joined in correlation with other sources like white supremacist, anti-capitalist, atheist, union, radical environmentalists and any other sources that have a resentment against the USA or it system. And that young people are the major target to indoctrinate and recruit for the battle against the USA.


   The Constitution, freedom, tea party, capitalism, religion or anything of conservative value, is to be consider as hate speech. If you support or approve anything close that, or falls into patriotism or conservative value, you would deftly be branded as racist or a terrorist of the world. I know for some of you are shaking your head with unbelief. And also some of you may be saying that this is something that not something be concerned about. Well let me tell you. That is the way it began. To deny that something is unsinkable, on destructive, too big to fail or just too proud to think that a great nation like this can fall. All I can say. Don't let history repeat itself.

I know some of you have lost of things on your mind and many responsibility to attend. And I certainly would not like to add more weight on your shoulder. But we really need to take initiative and tried to bring back those American value that made this country so great. We need to take our time in our busy schedule to sit down with our children for at least 30 minute and talk to them about so many issues in regarding to our Constitution and the American values. They will probably be confronted with the propaganda in which they had already been indoctrinated. I would tried to tell you later on another blog post on addition sources for you to read and share what you should know. I know you're already saying that this is more responsibility that is been thrown at you. And I know were living in a very difficult and strained time. For I know exactly how a great deal of you are feeling and going through. But this not like any other battle, except there's no weapon involved but the weapon of verbal communication and information. They are arming young minds with weapon of information to tried to go against and destroyed everything that is patriotism or has conservative value.

 All I can say that you are not alone. Take the time to make research to find information out there that can help you out. Also joining in Google plus community to get information and show yourself as group. Because United we stand, but divided we fall.

Thank you for visiting and be well.