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Friday, February 13, 2015

Making a difference

   Good day and welcome to my blog. I would like to talk about on this article is an alarming situation that is occurring in America. For the last couple years there has been a campaign against the American people to push them to the limit and stress them as often as they can. Some of you can relate to this as you must feel stressful to the many situation that is occurring to you in different area of your life. It is no longer dealing with just a few situation, but a multitude of stressful situation coming from all direction. Let me try to clarify as to what I'm trying to tell you by giving you an example of my friend Sam. He has been telling me how he is overwhelmed with so many things that is occurring in America and how it is becoming difficult to catch up and get up to date information on so many multitude of situation that is occurring. Every time he feels that he is up to date and inform of what is going on new things seem to pop up and begin trying to figure out what's going on. And I'm not talking about personal things or job-related things, although they seem to pile up upon other things that it is occurring in our country. The things I am talking about that is occurring in America and that is stressful to the American people is things like the stimulus plan that did not work, the government healthcare that when it is fully implemented we will find that we would lose individual freedom to decide what is best for us. The promise of the worst recession in American history will be taking care of and yet we have not seen no evidence the that has been improved for the better. The continuing wasteful spending with no plan of a budget despise that we are still going through the recession. With government investing in company without having any experience in Corporation and ending up in complete failure, like the solar panels company Solyndra. And seeing lack of leadership during a crisis of the BP oil spill. And the IRS threatening and harassing conservative group that represent tea party movement or constitution awareness organization. The betrayal of four American Embassy in Benghazi that led to the death. The increasing regulation in spying the American people through the NSA. The increasing abuse of the welfare program putting people more dependent on the government and for people who do not need him. And more funding for green jobs even though there is not a demand for green job opening. And these are just the major situation that has occurred in our country.
 And then they are those situation where a police officer arresting a professor that were suspected in breaking in to a home, and in Florida a young kid protecting the community find himself shooting somebody that was attacking him, and in another case where a young man was being held for questioning and end up attacking the police officer and then the police officer defending himself and up shooting the young man. All of these three cases in which obama jump into the wrong conclusion and branding is situation as a racial issue. And in the process creating racial division in which for many years this country has healed those wound, but obama has open those old wound again.
 And then there are those situation in which we have seen our children being indoctrinated true ideology that are not conservative values. And seeing a lack of reinforcing hundreds and maybe thousand of immigration laws. And seeing an excessive regulation being imposed on Corporation making it difficult to improve our economy. In lack of taking care of the terrorist threat that is happening all over the world. I know there are many other things that can be added to this list but it is so far what I can think of. This is what sam was talking about in regarding to being overwhelmed with so many situation being bombarded from all direction.

 And on top of all that he has his personal situation in which he has to do with like maintaining a constant steady of income coming in. Paying all kinds of bills like car insurance, life insurance, health insurance, home owner insurance. And doing grocery trying to buy healthy food despite the continuing increasing in price and paying utility bills and other bills. In trying to make some kind of saving to secure your future overtime. And on top of that taking care of the senior. And I know some of you have much more to add to your list. But these are the kind of things that I been here for many years from different people. And I also know that for many years we all had similar situation in which our life has been very stressful. But for the last couple years I have seen a great deal of increase of situation in which has added even more stress on many Americans.

 Believe it or not that despite of everything that I just mentioned above it is really not the major point that I'm trying to make. What I'm trying to get at is that all of the situation are not all cause by the government. What I am seeing is that we are all being bombarded from all direction and some of them are not government related. We are also being bombarded with situation that are indirectly attacking to those with conservative values. Like abortion issue, conservative marriage, religious freedom issue and woman issue. All of these has been amplified even greater for the last couple of years. And this also include global warming and the environmental issue.

Usually I am not a big fan of conspiracy theory. But recently I discover a member that is in Google plus that is a Islamic supporter. I saw that member that was actively participating in atheist community and anti-religious community. That is when I began to see certain things come into place. This is where I mentioned before above in which there is a campaign to overwhelm the American people with situation that will create stress in their daily life decision. For what I have been learning in regarding to the Islamic cult religion that they make it very clearly in their Koran that it is acceptable to lie and deceive the nonbelievers. I suspect that a great deal of the Muslim participate in different areas and different issue to create and entice different organization to create chaos and hatred against the American people and to go against each other.
 If some of you may have a member during the Democratic convention when they were trying to vote whether or not they should have Jerusalem or God in their platform. They showed a member in the audience that was wearing a shirt that says "Muslim for Obama". When the time came to ask those in the audience whether or not to add those issue in their platform they all yelled no against it including that individual in which I suspect was a Muslim. These are just some of the small things that is given me the impression that a Muslim in this country and in other country are participating and promoting in different organization and groups and participating in social network to promote issue that would go against the conservative value in which it is the majority of the people of this country. Even though the Muslim themselves are against many issue like gay marriage, woman right and the freedom of other religion. They participate and encourage in these issue because they know that it goes against our conservative values. They also support in open border to make it much easier for them to infiltrate into this country illegal. This information come from Muslim organization that had given contribution to organization and politician to support a legal immigrant and open borders. They are also manipulating school board to promote Muslim ideology in school programs, even though school had made a very clearly to separate religion from state. You cannot say "God bless America" or pray in school but you can teach Islamic history. And now we seem obama adding Muslim brotherhood supporter in government organization. I do not know how much I can emphasize the seriousness of this going on in many level and structure in our American culture and government. People have reached a point in which they are so overwhelmed with stress and frustration that are going on in their daily life there beginning to say things like "I don't want to know anymore was going on" "what's the use nothing can be done" "one is just as bad as the other" and "there's nothing I can do about it". These are all kinds of statement of giving up and showing weakness. It is exactly what the Muslim won the American to be. That way it will be much easier for them to take over our country. Of course this is all a theory will I do not have hard evidence. But if you pay close attention and listen carefully and read between the lines you will probably see what I'm talking about.

  I know some of you are tired and worn out from the tug-of-war of so many situation spinning around your life. But I do believe that each and every one of us can make it different, and it doesn't require a huge amount of sacrifice. We see soldier make a different when they go out a sacrifice their life trying to bring peace in the world and individual countries. We see police officer make a different when they go out a sacrifice their life trying to protect the American civilian. We see firemen make a different when they go out and sacrifice their life trying to save others. We simple and all and every citizen can also make a big different buying doing simple things like informing and educating people of the threat of the Islamic cult that brings nothing but killing and destruction wherever they go. And all you have to do is once in a while share a post educating people about the true ideology of the Islamic cult. It will be reaching out to those who are unaware and given them a hand and breaking them up to become a little bit more aware. There isn't a more urgent time they now to make a different. For as we tried to sit back and pretend that nothing is happening and try to live a Merry life. There is a Muslim somewhere trying to create more chaos and destruction to the American culture. For the secret of every communist or socialist to established itself is to create chaos and hatred among one citizen against another. Look at the history of how every communist or socialist country has established himself in those country. All came about from economic chaos and social chaos. I suspect that the Muslim are using the same technique to establish themselves in every country they are going.

 We can make a different when we stand united, for divided we fall. We may lose some friends and gained some enemies, but all sacrifice usually end up that way. Personally I prefer to other things that will make my life more enjoyable. But ignoring the truth will not make a better future. For that is what I'm fighting for. Today sacrifice will ensure a better future for me, but most important a better future in America. For if this country is to fall it will create a domino effect that other countries will fall. So far I'm making a different when I created the community in Google plus to educate and inform people about the Islamic cult. I do not care very much if I do not get enough 1+ , but I do care when people share the information that I'm sharing to them. For now we are beginning to see another government situation to impose more control and limit the freedom to express themselves. They are now looking to regulate and control the Internet. That is why this is the most urgent time to do our part and spread important information to get people started to look and inform of the true ideology of the Islamic cult. For the information that they are spreading would not be restricted. But those with conservative value will be limited and restricted.

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